Prayer Requests
Send your prayer requests:
We are a prayer-based and word-focused church serving the Canterbury community and the surrounding towns with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
Prayer Request
Welcomes You Into An Atmosphere Of The Word, The Presence Of God, And Order.
"A sister testified on how God healed her of blood clothing in her womb of which she had been previously booked on for an operation. Upon the prayers from the pastor, God healed her and took away the blood clothing"
“During the April edition of our prayer and fasting, a sister joined the prayer and fasting from the U.S.A and sent her prayer request for God's intervention in her family! God intervened and rolled away the obstacles and everything resolved.”
“During our Sunday celebration service on the 28th of April 2024, a brother who had a strange illness came forward for prayers. Immediately after the prayer the brother was completely healed and he came to testify the following week.”